Sleepyhead | Burlington Newborn Photographer

This sweet, sweet baby boy was an absolute treat to work with.  I must admit I have never worked with a newborn quite like him.  He arrived asleep and stayed that way almost the entire session.  He woke in the last 10 minutes just as we were wrapping up with some images of dad and babe, incredible right!  Well get this, he was sans diaper the entire session as well, and did not pee or poop on a single thing, now that my dear readers, is what I call amazing.

He made my job feel so very easy and I thanked him for that often.  The amount of images resulting from this super sleepy babe are making for a pretty overwhelming gallery for mom and dad to enjoy in a couple of days.

Thank you for sharing your adorable little sleepyhead with me ‘mom and dad’.  I hope your enjoying the peace and quite that is your little man.



Alison - March 19, 2012 - 5:36 pm

He looks so cute. I think my favorite is also the one where he is hanging outside of the basket with the toque…I can’t believe he slept through all of these??

Benzions Grandma & Grandpa Travers - March 15, 2012 - 3:51 am

‘Wonderful pictures, and from the heart of a very proud Grandmother, a perfect subject as well. Good work Heather, I am sure the rest of the pictures will be just as great.

Ben's Mommy - March 14, 2012 - 4:16 am

Hi Heather
Just wanted to thank you again for these amazing shots! I can’t believe he stayed asleep for so long (although we did pay for it that night lol) you truly are the baby whisperer 🙂
I can’t wait to see the rest and get some prints up on the walls!


David Gavin - March 14, 2012 - 3:46 am

Pictures are amazing. Love the pic with toque in the basket.

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