He Sleeps | Milton Newborn Photographer

There’s something about this baby boy that just had me completely wrapped around his itty bitty finger the moment he walked through the door and I laid eyes on him.  I still, to this moment, can not figure out what it is about him, but he is a absolutely, 100% adorable.

When it came to sleep, he wanted nothing to do with it, and I was determined to win the battle over him.  In the end I did, well I should say “we” did.  I could not have gotten him into that sweet slumber if it wasn’t for his dotting mom’s assistance.  Thank you “Mom”.

A couple days later “mom” mentioned that he was back to wanting nothing more then food, and some much needed shut eye.  We tired him out, that’s for certain!!

Enjoy your peek “Mom”.  Your full gallery will be up in a few short days.



Ashley - February 22, 2012 - 9:30 pm

Hes so precious and sweet looking. You’re going to have to watch out when he’s older. Congrats!

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