Million Dollar Family | Brantford Newborn Photographer

Have you heard the phrase ‘million dollar family’ before?  Do you know what it means?  Well I do, and I’m here to tell you all about it.

A million dollar family consists of a Mom and Dad, a boy, and a girl.  Basically, the perfect ratio of males to females.  Now the reason they call it the million dollar family, is not because you’ve hit the gene pool jackpot and created one of each sex, but rather means your family is now going to cost you a million dollars to raise.  Ha ha ha!  It’s no joke though, seriously!

I’m one of those ‘million dollar families’ and when I first heard the term I felt accomplished, like yes, we’ve done it, we’ve created a million dollar family!  But, when I heard the real reason behind the name, my palm went directly to my face.  And let me tell you, over the years of trying to keep my older son’s clothes to pass along to his little sister, well it just doesn’t work, and slowly but surely, my sweet little family is costing me a million bucks, ha!

I couldn’t resist the phrase when Mom told me they had added a baby boy to their family.  It just slips right off the tongue and makes people smile.  And although the meaning may be very different from what you initially assume, let’s just continue to live in that bubble that makes us feel proud and accomplished, because every time I say it, that’s exactly what I mean.

You certainly did hit the jackpot with these two Mom and Dad!  Your children are so lovely to be around.  They made my job feel like a day at the park, and for that, I thank YOU!!



Newborn Photographer Heather Clemente of From the Heart Imagery in Burlington, ONmoody black and white photographybeautifully lit newborn photos by From the Heart ImageryOrganic newborn baby photography by Heather Clementesibling newborn photosBacklight photography by Heather Clemente of From the Heart ImageryOakville, Ontario newborn photography by From the Heart Imagery

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