Thoughtful | Hamilton Family Photographer

The thoughtfulness behind this session is so incredibly sweet!  It took a lot of planning and even some sneaking around to pull this off, but we did it, and it was so very worth it!

You see, these two handsome young men are brothers.  Very sweet brothers I may add!!  Their parents were coming upon their 25th wedding anniversary, and their mom had been requesting images of her boys for years at this point.  Having been contacted by their Aunt to set up all the details, we discussed clothing, location, and ways to keep it quiet ~ we then met up for the shoot.

It was awkward, for all three of us, in the beginning.  For me because I don’t typically work with the older ‘kids’.  My subjects are typically much, much younger.  And for them because, well, what young adult doesn’t feel awkward in front of the camera.  It didn’t take long though, honestly, maybe 5 minutes and we all seemed to relax.  Another 5 minutes in and we were all laughing, being ourselves, and just having a great time.

Still, weeks later, when I look at these images, I smile and laugh ~ they left an imprint on me…of happiness!

You’re both so incredibly funny!!  Thank you for all the laughs, and for making your parents wishes come to reality.  I hope you like the images and feel they are ‘instagram’ worthy for your feed 😉



Barb - December 4, 2015 - 12:20 am

Once again you have taken amazing pics. It was hard to choose because they are all so amazing.

Courtney Forbes - December 3, 2015 - 10:07 pm

Amazing pics Heather!

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