Firsts | Burlington Lifestyle Photographer

There are only so many “firsts” in one’s life, so when the opportunity is there to capture one of those “firsts” I get so giddy.  My little/big boy knows his mom so well, this morning right after breakfast I said to him “so, are you excited for your first day of school” and he replied, “yes, I’m so happy, your going to bring the camera, right ??!!” “you better believe it” was my response.  I truly hope that one day he’ll look back on all of his firsts and be happy that he’s got them documented.  And if he doesn’t, I’ll enjoy looking back on them when he’s all big and grown.

I loved that he wanted to hold my hand on our walk to school, he still is only a boy but I’m aware that someday he will no longer want to hold on to me and he’ll be running ahead with his friends.  Not looking forward to that day one bit.

My son loves to do crafts so when his first project at school was to decorate his birthday crown, he was thrilled. I think he found every dinosaur there was to be had in that pile of sticker goodness and added them all to his creation.  I truly enjoy watching him be creative and use his imagination, he’s definitely got a wild one.

I’m so thankful for my job that I love so much and that it allows me to be with my children and witness all of their exciting firsts.



Dainnie - September 9, 2010 - 2:10 am


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