Planes, Trains, & Automobiles | Long Island Children Photographer

That’s what it took to get me to this location……one airplane ride to New York City, one train to Long Island, and one car ride to the location.  I couldn’t have asked for better company on this journey.  I was with two of my favorite girls, together again, after quite a few years of being apart.  It was so very nice to have this time with one another, and reconnect with no interruptions (our kids and hubby’s, ha ha).

Okay so I know we experience fall here in Canada and it’s gorgeous but it’s nothing like the fall in the US.  All the trees were still so full of leaves and so extremely vibrant (not that their not here, but never this late into the year).  The entire ride from the train station I couldn’t peel my eyes away from all the passing forests, it was breathtaking.

When we arrive to the house I was mesmorized by the tree in the very front of the house, it was screaming to be photographed.  A lot of the leaves had fallen to the ground and there were still many yellow leaves hanging from the beautiful, winding branches.

These two handsome boys (and their gorgeous mom’s) made the scenery that much better.  Thank you very much ladies, for allowing me the pleasure of photographing your ever so photogenic children.  I hope you enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed capturing them for you.

xoxoxo Heather

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